Want to Save Money MSU Students? Check out These Discounts
We all know college can be rough sometimes, and I am not even talking about classes. If you were like me and some of my friends, you were always on a budget and trying to find the best deal possible whether it be for food, fun, or whatever you want to spend your money on.
Well, luckily, there is College Survival Kit that has all the Montana State Discounts you can get in the Gallatin Valley.
Some of the discounts I would definitely take advantage of are the many food discounts. Also check out the coffee house discounts from Zocalo and Rockford. Those will definitely come in handy when you are cramming for tests and they offer free WiFi. Another one you should definitely use is the laundry to make sure you always have clean clothes.
For more details and to see all of the discounts go to survivalkit.com.
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