OK Bozeman, Ready For Winter? Tips For Warm Weather Transplants
Last week was amazing with all of the fall colors and the nice weather, but then the snow came.
This brought mixed emotions.
On one hand, I can't think of much that is prettier than snow-capped mountain tops. On the other, while I was over the heat and smoke, I'm not sure I'm ready for winter and everything that comes with that.
Our last residence before moving back to Montana was in the coldest city in the Continental United States. There were days that it would hit 80 below with the wind chills. If you've never experienced what that feels like, it's not for the weak. You can literally feel your lungs freezing if you stay outside long enough.
While it doesn't get that cold here in Bozeman, winter in Montana can certainly be intense and there are a few things that our warm-weathered transplant friends should be aware of.
- Tires matter. Make sure that you have the right tires on your vehicle. Winter or studded tires will help a lot.
- Make sure that you have an Emergency Kit in your vehicle. It doesn't have to be fancy, but you certainly want to have what you need. Blankets, flares, candles, matches, jumper cables, a small shovel, etc.
- Sand Bags/Tubes are great for added weight in the trunk or back of your vehicle.
- Make sure you have the proper weather gear. Snow boots that will actually keep your feet warm, a good quality coat, gloves, and headwear.
- Keep at least a half of tank of gas at all times.
- Keep a working phone charger in your vehicle.
Also, slow down when driving in winter conditions, especially the first couple of snows. If you aren't accustomed to driving in snow, you will want to take your time. Not only for you but for everyone around you.
Last but not least, enjoy it. We live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Take advantage of it and have some fun.
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