How To Solve Montana State Athletics One Major Problem
If anything, this idea will be a solid revenue source and help spread Bobcat apparel further.
Let's start this off by saying Montana State Athletics is fantastic. With the championship pedigree from football to the rodeo team to track & field, the athletics program has been dominant over the past several years.
Every aspect seems fantastic right? Not really, there is one area of the athletic department that could improve, and it's an easy fix.
It's time for the Montana State Athletics department to open a Bobcat Athletics store in Bozeman.
You might be asking, what about the Montana State Bookstore? The bookstore is great, but they don't sell everything related to Montana State Athletics. I noticed this during the 2022 football season when the store underneath Bobcat Stadium had many items you couldn't find at the bookstore.
Stores like Bob Ward's and Universal Athletics carry some items but not in large quantities. It's annoying to travel to a handful of stores to find some Montana State Athletic wear and find out they might not have your size.
Sure, the Montana State Athletic store is online, but it's time for the athletic department to open a shop.
Think about the money the athletic department could make if they opened a shop. Plus, there are some spots for a shop that would make sense.
There is the Gallatin Valley Mall, which is rebranding and updating the whole area. That would be an opportunity to be a part of that development.
Many storefronts are available in downtown Bozeman. If a Bobcat store was opened in downtown Bozeman with apparel branded with MSU athletic teams and maybe even the club sports like hockey and lacrosse, there's a lot of money to be made.
With all the special events downtown Bozeman holds, from Music on Main to Chrismas Stroll and Crazy Days, the sheer amount of revenue they could make from locals and tourists is perfect.
I love Montana State Athletics and its apparel, but exhausting to go on a treasure hunt for their gear. This is especially true if you want to try on the clothes before you buy them. This makes total sense.
If you need to update your MSU Bobcat gear, here is their online store.