How do kids react to racism differently than adults? For one, the thought doesn't seem to cross their minds.

A little over a month ago, Cheerios released a controversial Cheerios commercial that portrays a mixed-race marriage. I say controversial because it caused a racist backlash in the comments on YouTube with angry people attacking Cheerios' decision to include the mixed-race couple. The comments have since been disabled but the media noticed the negativity.

The Kids React team then showed the commercial to a group of regular kids to see what the kids would say. The kid's reactions are priceless.

The Vice President of Cheerios Marketing, Camille Gibson, gave a comment to Gawker saying,

Consumers have responded positively to our new Cheerios ad. At Cheerios, we know there are many kinds of families and we celebrate them all."

Personally I think the controversy was blown way out of proportion. I believe most Americans think the same as the kids in the above video. As I was writing this, I found it difficult to find any negative comments about the commercial, but I did find a few. What I was really impressed with is that the kids in the video above didn't think twice about the parent's races.

Do you still notice racism today?

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