- Kate Middleton accidentally says she's having something that starts with a D. Dolphin? [Bohomoth]

- Jennifer Lawrence shows off a whole lot of ruffles in her new 'Catching Fire' promo photo. [Hypable]

- Beyonce goes blonde to promote her Pepsi-sponsored Mrs. Carter Show tour. [Rickey]

- Wait. But if you're Justin Timberlake, then who is ... Justin Timberlake? [ScreenCrush]

- Oh look, Rihanna's posting NSFW selfies again. [PopCrush]

- PETA says Kim Kardashian is already a bad mother because she wears fur. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart went to a concert without Robert Pattinson. [IDLYITW]

- Snooki says she was a horrible, selfish person before she had her baby. [Evil Beet Gossip]

- Robert Downey Jr. continues to play himself in the new 'Iron Man 3' trailer. [PopBytes]

- Conan O'Brien hates the Harlem Shake more than you do. [Seriously OMG]


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