Ice jams continue to be an issue in southwest Montana with water levels near bankfull. We're under a Flood Advisory until Wednesday evening.

Water levels fluctuate quickly with ice jams. The temperature changes from night to day along with any additional rain or snow can cause flooding. Rivers in our our area, such as the Jefferson, are prone to ice jams as they are fairly shallow.

According to the National Weather Service:

  • Flood Advisory: For an Ice Jam in Northwestern Gallatin County in south central Montana and Southern Broadwater County in southwestern Montana.
  • CURRENT DETAILS ABOUT WATER LEVELS: As of 4:49 PM, Sunday, the gauge reports indicated that the ice jam continues. No flooding has been reported at this time. Law enforcement has reported that the river channel is nearly full of ice and water levels are near bankfull.
  • LOCATIONS THAT ARE AFFECTED BY THIS ADVISORY: Some locations that will experience flooding include low-lying areas west of Three Forks.
  • Ice jams are unpredictable. River levels may rise or fall quickly with little notice so use extra caution when in low lying areas near rivers and streams.
  • Livestock, vehicles or equipment near the river should be moved to higher ground ONLY if it is safe to do so.
  • Always have a partner when moving items away from a river bank that may flood.
  • Always live by the advice of: "Turn around, don't drown" when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur while people are IN THEIR VEHICLE.
  • Montana has the highest number of reported ice jams in the lower 48 states.
  • Please report any flooding you see to local emergency services or law
    enforcement, and request they pass this information to the National
    Weather Service. Sharing information about ice jams is crucial to keeping up to date. Thank you for sharing accurate information!

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