This National Alcohol Recommendation Will Surprise Montanans
If there is one recommendation that Montanans will ignore, it's going to be this one.
Montanans are built differently from other folks in America. We deal with long winter months, forest fires in the summer, and idiotic tourists. Living in Montana can be challenging, and we all use one specific vice to relax or blow off steam.
That would be having a drink.
Montanans love any adult beverage. Cocktails, beers, or a classy glass of wine, many Montanans have a drink to unwind after a long day. If you don't know, the Centers for Disease Control recommends that men should only have two drinks per day while women should only have one.
While these recommendations are fair, not many folks will follow those rules. Well, we have some bad news. These recommendations might change soon, and people won't be thrilled.
Fox News announced the current head of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism said America might follow Canada and its new recommendations for alcohol consumption.
Canada's new guidelines for alcohol consumption recommend only a few drinks per week compared to a couple of drinks per day. The reason behind the massive change is possible health benefits.
The NIAAA organization that wants to make these changes also thinks consuming more than 14 drinks a week is considered heavy drinking. These folks have never been to a Montana State Football tailgate or an adult softball tournament.
They aren't making these recommendations anytime soon, but this has the potential to get under the skin of many Montanans. Montana's alcohol industry is one of our most profitable, and many locals love heading to their local bar or brewery after a tough day of work to blow off steam and enjoy a beverage or two.
Even if they decided to change the recommendations, who will follow these rules? Not me.
For more details, check out Fox News.