MSU Athletes & First Responders Face-off in Charity Softball Game
Bozeman-area first responders, the Lights & Sirens, and MSU Bobcat football players, the Big Hits and Sticks, will face-off at a charity softball classic. The Bobcat Summer Classic is a Montana State Football tradition and it will return to Bozeman's Heroes Park on Friday, June 14th.
The charity game will be raising money for Trooper Wade Palmer and help assist with medical expenses after he was injured in the line of duty. Admission is $5 with Free admission to those under 12 years old. There will be concessions, beer garden, photo opportunities with both teams and a raffle of Bobcat jerseys and a Bobcat Football helmet.
Come out to Bozeman's American Legion Field located in the Gallatin Valley Fairgrounds at 5:30 p.m. to join in on the fun!