Montana State Receives $500K For Pollution Project
Montana State University is just rolling in the dough right now.
Montana State University received $500,000 from the Environmental Protections Agency. to help Montana food and beverage manufacturers reduce waste and adopt other strategies that can lessen environmental impact.
Montana State University is one of only two places in an six state region to receive a grant. Their plan is to show businesses how they can reduce water, chemical and energy use.
This whole grant could be a huge opportunity for Montana State to pave the way to show small businesses how they can reduce waste, protect our beautiful environment and still be profitable. Many Montanans are very caring about recycling and using reusable items such as bags.
Montana is mostly all small businesses and we all want to do our part in keeping Montana absolutely clean and reduce our waste and if Montana State University can come up with a way to reduce water, chemicals and waste then it will not only be a hit for Montana's environment but would be a blueprint for other small businesses throughout our Northwest area and possibly the country.
Montana State University has been getting a lot of grants for research lately including earlier this week getting a grant from the state of Montana to research and test new, faster ways of possibly testing COVID-19.
It's becoming clear if you want to do some incredible research and make a difference that Montana State University is one of the best places to be and learn how to make change.
For more details, check out Montana State University.