The last time you took a drink of milk, soy, dairy, coconut, doesn't matter the kind, did you thank a farmer? The last time you made your kids, husband, friends, whoever it may be, dinner, did you thank a farmer? The next time you don't feel well and you have soup and toast, will you thank a farmer? Most likely not and you are not the only one. We are all very guilty of forgetting where all of our life supplies come from. My family farms and has for over 125 years. I remember thinking how cool it was when I was little getting to ride in the tractor, not realizing, at the time, the pride, the sweat, the tears, and the joy that tractor supplied.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Well, today is the day to really give a shout-out where the shout-out is due! HAPPY FARMER'S DAY! Today is the one day a year that farmers everywhere can get a google reminder. Many people grew up hearing the simple prayer, "Come Lord Jesus be our guest, let this food to us be blessed. Amen" right? If not, you have now. It's because of our hard-working farmers that, that food, can "be blessed".

Anyone who grew up around farming knows, it is a job that has long hours, lots of prayers for rain, for no rain, for sun, a lot of talking to the big guy in the sky. Late night dinner waiting for them in the oven while everyone else is sleeping. Trips out to the field to bring sandwiches to mom, dad, grandpa, uncle, whoever is busting their butt that day to finish up the field "before the rain comes". Farming, one of the hardest jobs there is with not as much public appreciation as it deserves.

Photo by GreenForce Staffing on Unsplash
Photo by GreenForce Staffing on Unsplash

If you see a farmer today or know a farmer, tell them "I appreciate you and your hard work". Maybe you are a farmer, if so "THANK YOU!". YOU are what keeps the world going. YOU are a HERO. 

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