If You Plan On Traveling Internationally Soon, Be Careful
I was supposed to go to the United Kingdom last year but COVID killed that dream and traveling internationally can still be tricky.
As the travel industry slowly gets its footing back to where travel was back in early 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic, the problem is many folks are still wanting to travel internationally and there can be some added extra hoops to get through.
For instance, you can't travel to Canada currently unless it's essential. If you want to travel to any country in the European Union or the United Kingdom you will have to take multiple COVID-19 tests before you enter and leave the country. Plus, with the rise of the Delta variant, some countries are thinking about restricting travelers from the United States.
Many countries need negative tests or you need to be even fully vaccinated to even visiting. It can be a huge minefield. Especially with the changing climate, you just don't know what will close down or stay open.
So we recommend you definitely get flight insurance on all your flights so you can get your money back and check your countries travel authority because they will have up-to-date restrictions and what you need to do to get in and out of the country flying. Also, don't sleep on your passport and get it renewed as soon as possible.
The reason why I am bringing this all up is that one of my best friends just got engaged and he lives in Australia. So not only do I have to make sure my passport is good to go but I will need to apply for a travel visa as well. Australia's travel restrictions are pretty detailed and I need to make sure I have all my bases covered. Australia isn't even allowing U.S. residents to travel there until COVID-19 slows down.
If you are traveling shortly, especially internationally, make sure you have all your steps covered.