This can't be the only solution to the housing problem for employees in the Gallatin Valley. 

We have talked to death about the housing issues here in Bozeman for years, and there is no sign of this issue slowing down. More locals have been getting pushed out of Bozeman due to the skyrocketing rent and the limited amount of money you can make. Bozeman has been slacking on the issue for years, but that might be changing. 

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The Bozeman Chamber of Commerce announced that they will be hosting a lunch where they will be covering housing and employers and what they can do. The lunch will be held at The GranTree Inn on 7th Avenue from 11:30 AM to 1 PM on Wednesday, June 22nd. 

The thing is, what do employers and housing have to do with the current climate of housing. If the only solution is for employers to buy housing and then rent it out to employees, we are in a bad place. 

Photo by Sigmund via Unsplash
Photo by Sigmund via Unsplash

The City of Bozeman should have been ahead of this problem years ago and is now so far behind they are looking at business owners to help with the solution. That is wrong. The Bozeman Deaconess Hospital acquired a large chunk of new affordable apartments under construction in Belgrade to help employees and future employees. Even though that is great, a business owner shouldn't be the one to solve a city's problems. 

There are places around Bozeman where the city could easily purchase and build affordable housing but it seems that these suggestions fall on deaf ears. 

Will you go to this luncheon and listen to the discussion, or should the City of Bozeman take a better approach? 

Check out the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce for more details. 

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