No one wants to eat tainted food, and this outbreak is scary.

Health Scares in Montana

We always want to ensure we are eating quality food for any meals or snacks. It doesn't matter if you are at a restaurant or making your food, you hope you can enjoy your meal and not worry.

There have been some food recalls here and there, but nothing too serious.

Most recent food recalls primarily deal with frozen food, but when the recall is an item cooked daily, that could cause problems.

Angela Waye/Getty Images
Angela Waye/Getty Images

Ground Beef Infection in Montana

Food Safety News reports an E.coli outbreak in Northwest Montana, most likely from ground beef. The outbreak has at least 13 people sick, and one person has died.

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The one eye-opening part is the infected ground beef wasn't store-bought but sold directly to several restaurants in the area.

hamburgers and hotdogs cooking on flaming grill
rez-art/Getty Images

Public health officials worked tirelessly to remove any leftover tainted products.

E.coli Symptoms

E.coli can cause several nasty symptoms, including diarrhea, severe stomach cramps, vomiting, and, in rare cases, death.

E.coli in ground beef has had a few cases in the past few decades.

Outbreak Updates

The Flathead City-County Health Department hasn't reported which restaurants served the tainted ground beef. They are working on making sure there aren't any more cases.

This whole scenario is heartbreaking for the people involved. The affected families must be going through so much, and we hope they all recover soon.

Lady scientist in microbiology laboratory working with E coli culture
Manjurul/Getty Images

We applaud the health department in Flathead County for keeping everyone updated and keeping the public safe.

Hopefully, no one else gets sick.

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Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

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Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby

25 Amazon Items Sold in Montana That Have Been Recalled

If you’re an Amazon shopper, you might want to put your eyes on some of the recent recalls to make sure you’re safe.

Gallery Credit: Joe Cunningham

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