I could be wrong, and I'm not trying to act like a "Karen", but for heaven's sake, why are people driving so fast, like the world is on fire behind them and they are trying to escape?

I live close to Davis Lane, over by Costco and E. Valley Center Road, and every night (and day) there are people flying down the road. I don't mean just going like 40 miles per hour, but going 50-plus miles per hour. I'm not sure if the people on Davis Lane that are dang near doubling the speed limit can't read, or if they just don't care.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

The speed limit on that road is 35 miles per hour, for those of you wondering. Now, I get that that seems slow, but that's the limit for a reason. There are lots of homes and apartments in that area, meaning that there are most likely kids in the area.

Photo by George Huffman on Unsplash
Photo by George Huffman on Unsplash

There are also lots of people with dogs in that area—and everywhere in Bozeman, to be fair— and no one needs people going 50+ mph while they are walking their fur baby.

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

There are other streets in Bozeman that seem to have lots of drivers who just make up the speed limit and drive however they choose. I was talking to a contractor on N 25th Ave, where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour, and he was in shock at how fast people were driving through that neighborhood.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

He actually said:

I am glad I don't live in this neighborhood, I would be out here all day yelling at people to slow down.


A recent article went up about a possible way to slow down traffic and I don't think it's that terrible of an idea. You can check it out here.

Until then, slow the heck down people, you don't need to drive as fast as you can just to slam on the breaks at the stop sign that is half a block away. Take the time and effort to make yourself, and those around you, safe.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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