Score a $250 Bob Ward’s Gift Card From 96.7 KISS FM!
Want to win a $250 gift card to stock up on outdoor gear from Bob Ward’s? Of course you do and we’ve got you covered.
It's easy, just download the 96.7 KISS FM app in Google Play or the Apple Store and then show it to Will G between 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., on August 22 or August 23, at the KISS FM booth at Catapalooza on the MSU campus.
Once you flash your 96.7 KISS FM app, you will be entered to win the $250 gift card to splurge on outdoor gear at the Bozeman Bob Ward’s location.
So, download the 96.7 KISS FM app then stop by the KISS FM booth at Catapalooza on the MSU campus on August 22nd or the 23rd for your shot to win big!