This is a great move by Montana State University.

Montana State University announced that their usual Housing and Move-In Day will be now will take place over a week to promote social distancing and keep the crowds to a minimum while moving in.


For returning students, moving in to your housing or residence halls will take place from Monday, August 10th through Tuesday, August 11th.

Then for new students, your new move in dates will take place from Wednesday, August 12th through Sunday, August 16th.

Montana State University is recommending students that they sign up for a certain time to move in their new residence. Each student will have two hours to move into their room.

All students and family members are strongly encouraged to wear a mask while moving in. Not only that but each student will limited to have two family members or guests in the building to help them move in.

MSU staff will be wiping down carts and will also provide masks if you forget to bring one and would like to wear one during the move in process.

Honestly, this is a fantastic idea by Montana State University. Usually move-in day is a nightmare due to the over 10,000 students trying to move-in in one day up on the campus. The traffic alone can stress someone out.

By spreading out over several days and having the students sign up for certain times makes everything a little bit easier.

Way to go Montana State University.

For more details, check out Montana State University.

If you aren't moving in to Montana State University from August 10th to August 16th, you might want to still avoid the campus at all costs, traffic will still be a little crowded.

Just saying.

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