Jared Leto Gets Human Ears From His Fans + Turns Them Into Necklaces [NSFW PHOTO]
An anonymous fan (Roman, or countryman) sent Jared Leto their sliced-off ear, because apparently 30 Seconds to Mars fandom has gotten extremely competitive of late.
While talking with XFM radio in London last week, the 41-year-old singer and 'Panic Room' actor mentioned the gifts he receives from around the world while on tour, saying, "The fans are an incredibly committed and passionate group of people. Going to a show is kind of like visiting Japan, you expect gifts on your arrival. You get all kinds of wonderful things."
When pushed for the strangest thing he'd ever received from a passionate Letohead -- it's a thing -- he gave an answer no one expected. Or, you know, wanted.
"Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me, that was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move," he said. "The note just said, 'Are you listening?' I never knew who it was, who's missing their ear out there."
Even more strange is what Jared did with it: "I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace!"
As you do.
XFM said he was joking -- but Leto apparently doesn't mince words like his fans mince body parts, so he photographed the nasty necklace and posted it to Instagram like some sort of bizarre proof-of-life attached to a ransom note.
Dude. Sometimes it's okay to just let people use their imaginations.