TaTa's, boobies, breasts. Whatever you chose to call them, they are the highlight of October. PNKBZN ...This will become super familiar to all of us in Bozeman. Starting October 1st, Bozeman will go Pink to support, educate, and bring awareness to everyone about breast cancer.

Thanks to Bozeman Health, Advanced Medical Imaging, Cancer Support Community, MSU, MSU Athletics, and of course the Downtown Bozeman Partnership with support from PRIME Inc., we are able to turn Bozeman Pink.

PNKBZN is meant to educate people about screenings and spread awareness on how to access screenings and other resources. Talk about cancer, get the community talking about it. Share stories of inspiration from people who are living with breast cancer. In 2020 alone there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash
Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

How can my business support PNKBZN?

Swag bags will be handed out in the coming week that will give you everything you need to turn your storefront pink. You could also do the "round-up" feature for purchases, have a drink special or food special with a percentage of the profits going to a local cancer resource center. You could also consider having a portion from any or all Pink merchandise go toward cancer support.

Are you ready for PNKBZN? I know I am, I always donate throughout the year, but especially during the month of October. Personally having family members affected by cancer, I want to make sure I do my part to help with the research.

You can send all Pink Promotions to: info@downtownbozeman.org to be listed on the Downtown Bozeman Partnership Website. Click PNKBZN for all your information.

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