If there is one thing that can fire up locals, it's not being able to access the internet with decent speeds. 

If you live in Montana, you know that you have few choices for home internet, and the speeds can get expensive depending on how many live in your household. Locals here in the Gallatin Valley have two choices for internet, Charter or Century Link. If you live in the rural areas outside of the Gallatin Valley or are not near a town, you might have to pay for even more remote internet service. The fees alone are expensive. 

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We have discussed in the past, how Montana has some of the worst internet speeds in the nation, and that's not fair to locals. There are many families and young adults, who share households, and every single person uses multiple devices for the internet. So fast internet is needed!

There is some hope that fiber will be rolled out to Bozeman neighborhoods soon one day, but there might be one internet provider you should keep on your radar. 

Starlink is an internet service, developed by SpaceX, and focuses on providing high, fast-speed internet to rural areas where fiber or cable internet doesn't exist. 

Photo by John Schnobrich via Unsplash
Photo by John Schnobrich via Unsplash

Starlink's internet works is Starlink uses low-orbit satellites that provide broadband internet. The satellites are in constant orbit and can hold video calls, online gaming, and whatever your needs might be. 

Starlink right now covers Montana but hasn't officially been rolled out yet to the public. It's supposed to be available in late 2022. If this happens, Montana would have one of the highest speeds for internet in the nation with Starlink. How much would this cost Montanans?

After initial fees, you would only be charged a little over $100 a month. For high-speed internet? That's a steal. As soon as Starlink is available to the general public and Montana, I will switch internet providers. 

For more details, check out Starlink. 

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