YouTube Red launches next Wednesday, October 28 and will cost $9.99 a month.  You might be wondering what is the big deal about this and why you would even want this.  So what this offers is ad-free service and also does something you can't really do on other streaming services.  YouTube Red will allow the user to save content offline and videos from YouTube Gaming and Music channels.

YouTube Red also gives you a music subscription to Google Play.  So that is two steaming music services for the price of one.  Pretty solid deal.  Also to compete with streaming services like Amazon and Netflix will offer original content starting in January.  There will be a film from Lilly Singh (over 6 million subscribers), a 10-episode singing competition from the Fine Brothers (over 10 million subscribers), a horror reality series from PewDiePie (over 39 million subscribers) and more.

I understand why YouTube is doing this and original content might become a huge hit for them due to the large audience most of these people have. The only thing I could see them having a problem is that with Amazon and Netflix with such a large grasp of the streaming market, especially with TV shows and movies, YouTube might have a problem trying to take those viewers away. I mean, I have Hulu Plus, Netflix and HBO Go for streaming purposes. YouTube would really have to sell me on why this ad-free is so much better and their content is hands down worth the extra $9.99 a month.  For more details check out the article about YouTube Red on BuzzFeed.

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