There are times in life when you have to find the best things on the internet. When you're really high is one of those times - watching funny videos and discovering the best YouTube channels is a fine art. And I now believe I've mastered the skill.
"The scenery here is stunning, the mountains are gorgeous..." Yep. We know. I'm honestly pleased that Jetting Julia and her friend had a nice time in Bozeman but JUST ONCE...I'd love to hear a vlogger tell us how crappy their visit was and how much they hate this place. It would be a nice change of pace.
With well over 100k YouTube subscribers, this young lady is one of Montana's biggest social media stars. Kate Stephens is someone we need to know more about.
It's just a minute and a half, but can a quick local film change your life? It certainly can if it gets your ass off the couch and onto the trail. Nate Kenney might just have the magic touch, but judge for yourself.
Well, I didn't MOCK them but I did start laughing so hard that I nearly crashed the car when I drove by them taking pictures of themselves. They certainly weren't doing anything wrong, but it was FUNNY. The blonde vloggers are here and they are owning it.