
Bozeman Diaper Fairy Helping Moms with Surprise Supplies
Bozeman Diaper Fairy Helping Moms with Surprise Supplies
Bozeman Diaper Fairy Helping Moms with Surprise Supplies
If you're a parent, you've probably been there. You're out, your kid has a "blowout" and you're caught totally unprepared. Someone in Bozeman totally gets it. That's why she felt compelled to leave a care package at the Smith's grocery store to help other mamas stuck in the same situation.
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
While the United States takes measures such as abstinence initiatives, sexual education and sometimes criticizing Bristol Palin as a scare tactic to prevent teenage pregnancy, some schools in the UK are taking a much more direct route. A report from the British National Health Service announced that many girls were given long-term contraceptives at school.