If you've been feeling like your paycheck isn't nearly high enough, perhaps it's time for a career change. Let's find some jobs in Montana with the highest salary or really high per hour rates.
Montanans are known for their toughness, so when it comes to quitting, that's not something we associate with the state, but new data suggests different.
The cost of living in Montana is driven by the cost of housing. What about getting a good job that INCLUDED housing? Montana companies desperately need to fill some positions so they're willing to offer free or very low-cost housing options that come along with the gig.
This morning sucked. It sucked because of Montana's labor shortage. It sucked because I was put in an awkward position as a customer, but it wasn't anyone's fault.
Yup. And I'm kind of happy about it. Have you ever worked in fast food? IT'S REALLY HARD. Some fast food and other national chain restaurants are currently offering $18 to $20 per hour in the Bozeman area.
NOTE: I hate the grocery store. But I LOVE the people that work there and bust their tail everyday to make sure the most essential of essential services continue to operate. Things DO NOT seem right, however.
I can't take it anymore. There are just too many well-paying opportunities to pass up and we all know local businesses of every sector are desperate to hire additional staff. It won't be forever but money speaks to me and I'm ready to trade my off hours for an additional paycheck.