
‘Leave Britney Alone’ Pleader Chris Crocker Profiled in New Documentary ‘Me at the Zoo’ [VIDEO]
‘Leave Britney Alone’ Pleader Chris Crocker Profiled in New Documentary ‘Me at the Zoo’ [VIDEO]
‘Leave Britney Alone’ Pleader Chris Crocker Profiled in New Documentary ‘Me at the Zoo’ [VIDEO]
Unless this is your first day on the internet, you’re almost certainly familiar with Chris Crocker. He was the mascara-smudged Britney Spears uber-fan who pleaded with the world to just leave her alone already during the singer’s tragic, head-shearing meltdown back in 2007.
Chadwick’s Videos Of The Day: The Corporation, SOTU, Mystery Piano, Moscow Bomb
Chadwick’s Videos Of The Day: The Corporation, SOTU, Mystery Piano, Moscow Bomb
Chadwick’s Videos Of The Day: The Corporation, SOTU, Mystery Piano, Moscow Bomb
It's kind of long but I've never seen Corporations explained like this. State of the Union - Mystery Piano - Security footage of Monday's Moscow airport bombing has made its way onto YouTube.  It's pretty low-quality and doesn't have sound, but you can clearly see the bomb explode in the top right corner of the screen...