We took at peek at real student reviews of U of M on the Yelp of colleges, called StudentReviews.com. The typos sort of make the reviews everything...

The following quotes were found on the website StudentReviews.com about the University of Montana in Missoula. (Any typos have been copied directly as part of the quotes...)

Yes, this is all in good fun because it is Cat/Griz week and we're just better in general :-)

  • "You really don't have to do anything to impress this school. They just want your money and will fight tooth and nail to prove your not an in state student even if you are."
  • "I should've searched other schools better. Your gaurunteed to get into this school but don't expect the teachers to be helpful. Also expect to go into the Financial Aid Office and Admissions CONSTANTLY because they can't seem to get anything right."
  • "This is the easiest school to get into if you have a pulse you're in!"
  • "I would not pick this school at all!"
  • "It's very easy to get into the University of Montana. With a GPA and test scores a little above average, you'll most likely receive scholarship money."
  • "If you can graduate from high school, you can get into this school."
  • "Smoke a lot of pot and your good"
  • "I would steer clear of their online programs, the online degrees are a joke, specifically the Media Arts degree. You will be taught tutorials on software that is 5 years old and is not relevant to the software you are required to use."
  • "Unless you're interested in studying business and/or playing football I would not recommend attending the University of Montana."
Montana Grizzlies
Collegiate Images/Getty Images


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