Old Salt: Montana’s Exciting New Food And Music Festival Has Arrived
This might be the most "Montana" festival we've ever heard of, and it's happening June 23rd through 25th. Celebrating ranching and land stewardship, the weekend will be packed with Americana music, expert guest speakers, vendors, and chef curated wood-fired food in Helmville, Montana.
Have you heard of the Old Salt Festival? If not, let's get acquainted with this fascinating new Montana event. It's an entire weekend of music, food, and education, dedicated to ranching stewardship and conservation. If western music and art are your thing, it seems this is the festival for you.
Old Salt Festival is about people coming together to support the art of land stewardship in Montana. Wood-fired cooking and music will be the central attractions, along with camping in a beautiful setting at the base of Hoodoo Mountain in the heart of the Mannix Ranch just outside Helmville, Montana.
- WHAT: Old Salt Festival (a Montana food and music festival)
- WHERE: Mannix Family Ranch (142 S Nevada Creek Rd, Helmville, MT)
- WHEN: Friday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 25th, 2023 (events on Sunday, too!)
- WOOD FIRED COOKING BY: Eduardo Garcia - MontanaMex, Elias Cairo - Olympia Provisions (Portland, Or.), Jaret Foster & Mona Johnson - Tournant, Jeremy Charles - Raymonds (Newfoundland, CANADA)
- MUSIC: Brent Cobb,Riddy Arman, Summer Dean, Sterling Drake, Eli West Trio, Jalan Crossland, Kimmi Bitter, Tris Munsick & the Innocents, Little Jane and the Pistol Whips, and more.
- GUEST SPEAKERS: Mountain and Prairie Podcast w/ Ed Roberson, Diana Rogers, David James Duncan, Chris Dombrowski, Nicolette Hahn Niman
- TICKETS: Weekend passes and single day tickets are both available
- FRIDAY PASS: $115 - Access to all music on Friday Schedule. Access to all panels, guest speakers, and content for Friday. Access to the charcuterie and hog roast for Friday Dinner.
- SATURDAY PASS: $145 - Access to all music on the schedule for Saturday. Access to all panels, guest speakers, and content for Saturday. Access to the whole lamb and beef feast on Saturday night.
- WEEKEND PASS: $285 - 3 Grand Meals prepared by regional chefs included in ticket. Access to all food, music and content for all days of the Festival.
- Kids 10 and under are free to attend with adults
- TENT CAMPING AND RV CAMPING IS AVAILABLE ON SITE (must be reserved and can be purchased with festival passes)

- ADDITIONAL FESTIVAL FOOD VENDORS: Lewis & Clark Brewery - Valler Coffee - Darkside fermenters - Old Salt Outpost - Southpaw 406 - Rockstar BBQ
- PRODUCT VENDORS: The Noisy Plume - Range Revolution - Pie-hawk Outpost - Howl Goods - Sing Hat Co. - Little Creek Lamb - Rusty Sagebrush - Western Rising Leather - Plaid Beaver and many more.
- SPONSORS INCLUDE: Wild Montana - Montana Master Hunter - Blackfoot Challenge - Wild Productions - Stockman Bank - Heart of the Rockies Initiative, World Wildlife Fund, MT Assoc. of Conservation Districts
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