MSU Physician Assistant Added to National Coronavirus Task Force
According to Montana State University, Catherine Ebelke, a physician assistant from MSU's University Health Partners has been appointed as a member of a new national task force created by the American College Health Association designed to provide accurate information and best practices for colleges and universities regarding the novel coronavirus.
Catherine Ebelke is the chair of the American College Health Association’s Travel Health Coalition and the coordinator of MSU’s Travel Clinic, which provides health and medical information and assistance to students, staff and faculty traveling internationally. Ebelke has been certified in travel medicine since 2010 and has been with University Health Partners since 1998. She spent time in Kathmandu, Nepal, working as a physician assistant before moving to Montana.
The ACHA COVID-19 Task Force is made up of medical and college health professionals from around the country. It will develop updated information, guidance and resources pertinent to colleges and universities related to the rapidly evolving international COVID-19 outbreak. The task force released a set of guidelines for colleges and universities on March 3.
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