Montana Grown Barley in Your Next Heineken Beer?
The folks from Heineken beer have visited Montana more often than my out-of-state friends in the last 5 years. The result? Hopefully, more Montana barley being purchased by the multinational beer maker.
A "letter of intent" has been signed between the State of Montana and Heineken International Cerveceria Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma (Heineken International), for the beer maker to increase it's purchases of Montana-grown barley. The announcement was made on Tuesday, November 1st, 2022.
FUN FACT: Heineken was the first import beer to reenter the United States after Prohibition ended in 1933. They've always been hip to the beer-drinking appetites of Americans.
The letter of intent was signed in Gallatin Gateway at Bos Hay and Grain. Gallatin County has been central to the recent visits by representative of Heineken. The intent is to "procure increased volumes of high-quality Montana barley." According to the press release from the Governor's office:
Over the past five years, Heineken has sent three trade missions to Montana. During this trade mission, Heineken representatives visited Montana State University Plant Science and Malt Quality Labs and received a tour of the Ag Depot. Additionally, they met with representatives from the Montana State Grain Lab, Columbia Grain, and United Grain.
NOTE: A purchase agreement and/or a letter of intent is not 100% binding. Even basic details of prices and amounts are left out of such agreements and remain between the corporation and growers. According to the official Letter of Intent between Heineken and the State of Montana:
"This letter of intent does not represent an obligation by Heineken to purchase any barley products in the state of Montana"
ADDED TIDBIT OF HEINEKEN TRIVIA: According to, "Since Gerard Adriaan Heineken created this beverage in Amsterdam in 1864, this company has owned 167 different breweries and made beer in 70 countries."