‘Game of Thrones’ Boss Says There Will Be Spinoffs, But Not by Him
We’ve too many questions for the remaining two Game of Thrones Seasons to get lost in spinoff possibilities, but the prospect can’t be far from HBO’s mind. Case in point, showrunners presume HBO will make other series set in the world of Westeros, but don’t expect them to run any potential spinoffs.
The question naturally fell to Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss after their historic Emmy wins last night, though Benioff quickly dismissed the possibility of their involvement in yet another Game of Thrones series. “It’s a great world that George created. I think it’s a very rich world, and I’m sure there will be other series set in Westeros, but for us, this is it.”
Of course, Martin himself was on-hand to field the same question (get back to writing, George!), though the author similarly deflected to the matters already on his plate:
Well, I do have thousands of pages of fake history — everything that led up to Game of Thrones — so there’s a wealth of material there, and I’m still writing more … At the moment, we still have this show to finish, and I still have two books to finish, so that’s all speculation.
HBO doesn’t seem the type to lightly extend franchises past their due (looking at you, AMC), but it’s hard to imagine what any potential Game of Thrones series looks like without the Emmy-winning Benioff and Weiss at the helm. Here’s what HBO said of the prospect back in July:
We’ve talked about it. It’s something I’m not opposed to, but of course it has to make sense creatively. I’m not sure that [Benioff and Weiss] could really wrap their heads around it when they’re just about to start production [on season 7]. It’s a pretty intense production, they’re about to start production soon. I’m open to it. The guys weren’t opposed to it, but there’s no concrete plans for it at this point.
In the meantime, Game of Thrones Season 7 continues production for a 2017 premiere, so what should we hope for from the franchise’s future?