Gallatin Roller Girlz are Back May 13th
Not only do they have a bout but there are matches all weekend long.
The Gallatin Roller Girlz are back for the 2017 season, and they are kicking off their first home match not with just one bout but three!
That's right, they have three bouts next weekend at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. They are hosting a round robin tournament with three teams. All the teams will play each other over the span of two days - May 13 and 14.
The three teams that will be there are the Lava City Roller Dolls (Bend, Oregon), the Dockyard Derby Dames (Tacoma, Washington) and the FoCo Roller Derby (Fort Collins). For the whole weekend it will just cost $15. Kids 10 and under get in for FREE. The Gallatin Roller Girlz will be playing at 10:30 a.m. on May 13 against Dockyard, later that night at 7:30 p.m. against FoCo, and finally Sunday, May 14 at 10:30 a.m. against Lava City.
The 7:30 p.m. bout against FoCo is actually a Hawaiian-themed night called Lu-Owww. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library.
For more details, check out grgderby.com for bout info and tickets.
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