Everyone’s Favorite Most Hated Band is Coming to Montana
So, this is interesting: Nickelback was just announced to play at the Rimrock Auto Arena in Billings, Aug. 27.
If you don't know, Nickelback has been one of the most loathed/disliked bands for the past 10 years.They have had some pretty big hits like Photograph (everyone's high school senior song in 2006), Today Was Your Last Day, How You Remind Me and many, many others. They just released their ninth, yes you read that correctly, ninth album.
Who keeps buying their records? I would love to know if you are going to this concert, because the thing is it's not that expensive (supposedly around $30) and they probably put on a pretty decent show. The only problem is that all their songs sound exactly the same...and it's Nickelback. Let me know what you think at my Twitter.
Again, check out Rimrock Auto Arena for more details. The show is Aug. 27 in Billings. Tickets will go on sale February 11th.
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