The Downtown Bozeman Association (DBA) announced that due to concerns of COVID-19 and to adhere to the Montana reopening guidelines they are canceling some upcoming events. The canceled events include:

  • Music on Main (canceled through the end of July)
  • Art Walks (canceled through the end of July)
  • Sweet Pea Festival

Music on Main and the Art Walks are canceled now through the end of July. The Downtown Bozeman Association is still in discussion about future summer events in August and September.  The next round of planning and consideration will include Crazy Days and with any additional changes, they plan on providing at least 30 days' notice of cancellation prior to the event.

With these tough decisions, the Downtown Bozeman Association stated:

We are sad to cancel some of Bozeman's most beloved summer traditions but we know it is the right decision for the safety and healthy of the community we love so much.

Even though events are canceled this summer that doesn't mean downtown is closed. Businesses and restaurants are open and serving the community safely.


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