Bozeman Named One of the Best Suburbs in America
So, we know that Bozeman keeps growing more and more every year in population, but this could make it even more populated.
Bozeman has been named One of the Best Suburbs to Live in in 2017.
I know what you are thinking, "We aren't a suburb!" Well, the term they are using also means "small town." Realtor.com looked at towns between 10,000 and 100,000 in population, their crime rate and their household income to make their list.
They listed the Top 10 cities, and luckily, we aren't number one, because that would probably get us even more population growth. We landed at exactly number 10 on the list. The reasons we made the list are our bustling community, the outdoors and our amazing university. The downside is we do have one of the highest median listing prices for a house.
For more details and to see the full list go here.
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