A Gym Membership Is Like Dating
As someone who joined a gym at the beginning of the year (yes, I'm one of those people), I can completely relate to the emotions a newbie goes through at the gym. Have you had the same experience?
There's a very specific list of ways dating and a gym membership are similar and Elite Daily absolutely nailed it.
Awkward First Meeting
Gym: The trainers are already looking you up and down and deciding your fate.
Date: You've already been given the thumbs up or thumbs down within the first five minutes.
Constant Insecurity
Gym: The feeling like everyone is staring at you or like you're doing it all wrong. In this situation, you don't get an answer, you just get to stress about it the entire time you're working out.
Date: You are thinking of your date, how things seemed to go well and you send a text. No response. Then the possible scenarios of why he hasn't texted back go flooding through your mind.
In The Beginning, It All Seems Great
Gym: You've found a good deal, you have a training session included, everything seems to be working out perfectly.
Date: Your Tinder match is good-looking, seems funny and appears successful.
We all know how these end up. No need to go on.
The Obvious Warning Signs
Gym: You receive a phone call from a trainer or the front desk "greeter" saying they miss you and hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, you're on the couch avoiding the call.
Date: Look! A text from your date just "checking in". Oh, and another. And another. And another. What? He's stopping by your work tomorrow to say "hi"?
The Argument That It's "Too Soon"
Gym: Give it a little more time if you're wanting to see results. Don't quit now.
Date: We're just getting to know each other.
When You Try To Leave, The Charm Turns On
Gym: Too expensive? They'll cut the monthly cost and throw in a trainer. What about a free protein shake every time you come in?
Date: He flirts when you're out? He'll stop acting flirty because you're the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Why would he even want someone else. He just feels bad for them.
There's Always A Reminder
Gym: Regret. You see someone who started at the gym around the time you did and is posting progress shots of her new body. Then you think about how it wasn't that tough. It wasn't that bad.
Date: Regret. A good memory comes to mind when you drive by that coffee shop where you two had your best conversation. You think of the cute flirting before your first date and start to miss that dynamic.
It's broken. Move along.