She's very fortunate that the injury wasn't worse and thank goodness help was close by to the incident.

Yellowstone National Park sent out a press release on an accident that happened this morning, September 16th near Old Faithful. Here's part of the press release.

Early Thursday monring, park rangers provided initial care to a 19 year old woman from Rhode Island, who suffered second and third-degree burns on 5% of her body. Due to the injuries, the patient(who is also a concessions employee at the park) was taken by ambulance to West Yellowstone, then was life flighted to the Burn Center at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center.

Yellowstone National Park wants to remind folks that they need to stay on trails and pathways while in the park and especially near the thermal area.

The hydrothermal areas in Yellowstone National Park are extremely fragile and thin and have scolding hot water below them and in some areas, the water is very acidic and can cause permanent damage. This is the first significant incident in a thermal area in 2021.

Photo by Frank O'Connor via Unsplash
Photo by Frank O'Connor via Unsplash

Over the past few years, there have been quite a few incidents where folks have gotten too close and have fallen and received significant burns. Sadly in some cases, some people have died due to the thermal areas as well.

If you are visiting the park anytime soon, please stay on the paths and trails and be careful. We want everyone to enjoy their time in Yellowstone National Park.

For more details, check out Yellowstone National Park.

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