The cast of the Coen brothers’ cult classic ‘The Big Lebowski‘ reunited last night to celebrate the film’s Blu-Ray release. The event went down at NYC’s Hammerstein Ballroom, where Jeff Bridges (the Dude), John Goodman (Walter), Steve Buscemi (Donny), John Turturro (the Jesus) and Julianne Moore (Maude) gathered to reminisce about the film in a live panel.

Some revelations from the event:

  • Buscemi was the best bowler out of the whole cast.
  • Because of his role as sex offender Jesus, Turturro has received a lot of dirty letters from admirers.
  • Both Goodman and Turturro have ideas for spinoff sequels starring their respective characters.
  • The line fans quote to the cast all the time? “Shut the f*** up, Donny,” a memorable diss from Goodman’s character to Buscemi’s.

Watch the entire event below, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly and Livestream (some NSFW language):


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