
Cell Phones May Cause Cancer, Says New Study
Cell Phones May Cause Cancer, Says New Study
Cell Phones May Cause Cancer, Says New Study
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer the radiation in cell phones may cause cancer. The group came to this conclusion after analyzing 30 previous studies which had explored the link between cell phones and cancer...
Study Finds If Walmart Paid its Workers a Living Wage, It Would Cost Consumers $0.46 Per Visit More
Study Finds If Walmart Paid its Workers a Living Wage, It Would Cost Consumers $0.46 Per Visit More
Study Finds If Walmart Paid its Workers a Living Wage, It Would Cost Consumers $0.46 Per Visit More
Walmart employs 1.4 million U.S. workers.  A study has recently found that if Walmart paid each of those empoloyees  a living wage of at least $12 per hour, instead of the average $8-$9, and they passed every single penny of the costs onto consumers, the average Walmart customer would pay just 46 cents more per shopping trip, or around $12 extra dollars each year...