Titled Guillermo del Toro Presents 10 After Midnight, the series will feature a collection of horrific tales — a few of which will be written and directed by del Toro himself.
Whether it’s horror, fairy tale, or a superhero movie, getting inside the mind of Guillermo del Toro is always a welcomed breaks from reality. Following the ghostly Crimson Peak, the filmmaker is returning to a more Pan’s Labyrinth-esque creature feature with The Shape of Water, though this latest film looks noticably less freaky than that 2006 favorite.
The fate of Hellboy has long been trapped in development hell, boy. Franchise director Guillermo Del Toro and star Ron Perlman were both interested in another installment, but legal complications made that tricky, then there was scheduling stuff, then the studio was being uncooperative, you name it. Del Toro said it was definitely gonna happen, then that it wouldn’t happen, then that it might happen, then that it probably wouldn’t but hey you never know, then that yes, there absolutely 100% will not be a Hellboy 3. And he’s holding true to those final words, because there won’t be a third chapter of his Hellboy franchise — as the new one’s gonna be a [deep breath] reboot.
Guillermo del Toro is known for toeing the line between simply weird and out-and-out frightening. His Hellboy movies were more or less straightforward superhero tales that featured some creepy moments, while Pan’s Labyrinth is pretty scary throughout. But del Toro wants us to know that does NOT make horror movies — and his latest, while it just got an R rating from the MPAA, is, like his other projects, not horror.