Many Montanans prefer less government and more freedom, however, you might be surprised to know that Montana is one of the most dependent states in the nation.
With our political climate at a boiling point, new information shows some alarming statistics. Are we heading towards a civil war? What do Montanans think?
When it comes to folks moving to Montana, that's a sensitive subject for many locals. However, the biggest land owner in the state isn't a Montanan either.
It's happening all over the country, it's happening in Government, it's happening in private and public business. However, you feel about it, it's happening. Is it happening in Bozeman?
Vaccine mandates.
The CDC Covid Data Tracker says that over 80% of the new Covid-19 cases are caused by B.1.61...
In an effort to highlight global censorship campaigns, Google’s biannual transparency report revealed a 70 percent increase in takedown requests by the US government and law enforcement agencies.
B.O.B's new track "Dr. Aden", our Banger of the Week, has sparked my interest in a case that hasn't been in the public eye for quite some time. The case is of the pharmaceutical company Bayer knowingly selling AIDS infected products to the public. The more information you can find the better, so I wouldn't take this song as literal info on the subject. I have posted some articles that
There are three things that Americans will NEVER accept. One, the metric system . . . two, soccer . . . and three, dollar coins. The government has been trying forever to get us to use dollar coins and we LOATHE them.
--Well . . . if current trends continue, we may not get a choice.