
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
Nearly 40% Of 2023 Smith River Float Permits Awarded To Nonresidents
It's 59 miles of the most cherished stretch of river in America, with one put-in and one take-out. About 1 in 10 people who applied for a private float permit for the Smith River got one for 2023. Nearly 40% of the float permits for The Smith were awarded to nonresidents of Montana. Do we have a problem?
Hail Storm Greets Tourists on Madison River Float Trip [VIDEO]
Hail Storm Greets Tourists on Madison River Float Trip [VIDEO]
Hail Storm Greets Tourists on Madison River Float Trip [VIDEO]
As the saying goes, "If you don't like the weather in Montana, wait a minute." What we forget is that sometimes that saying can be reversed too. These fun-seeking out-of-towners were hoping for a peaceful float on the Madison River. What they got was a barrage of golf ball sized hail! Luckily for us they recorded it.
Floating On The Madison This Summer Is Good To Go
Floating On The Madison This Summer Is Good To Go
Floating On The Madison This Summer Is Good To Go
A few months ago there was a series of meetings held by the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks to gain some knowledge on the usage and concerns by and from citizens about the Madison River. This was concerning in that it leads to the thought that the FWP could be considering cutting some access to the rivers, namely floating...
Save Floating On The Madison
Save Floating On The Madison
Save Floating On The Madison
Fish Wildlife and Parks of Montana has started a series of meetings to get input from the public on recreation on the Madison River.  The first of 4 meetings was in Ennis yesterday and continues tonight in Bozeman.  If you enjoy floating on the Madison, you need to come to this meeting or take the FWP Questionnaire and show your support...