
MTV Premieres Atmosphere’s New Video For “Last To Say”
MTV Premieres Atmosphere’s New Video For “Last To Say”
MTV Premieres Atmosphere’s New Video For “Last To Say”
The video for Atmosphere's new single "Last To Say" premieres today on MTV.  The video and song are a call to those who have been victims of and the aggressors of domestic violence to stop the cycle of abuse.   The video looks great with imagery that hooks and words that bite with reality...
Bonnaroo 2011
Bonnaroo 2011
Bonnaroo 2011
From 30+ hours in the car to a spectacular peeling  sun burn and little less than 10 hours of sleep for four days Bonnaroo 2011 was nothing short of one of the best times of my life.  We left for Manchester, Tennessee mid-day in a Tahoe packed to the brim with 6 peoples' luggage, food, tents, sleeping bags and of course the drinking essentials...