I was reading about some of Bozeman's history, and found out that up until 1979, Bozeman had a passenger train service. I know that it's 2017, but I think it would be pretty cool if Bozeman still had a passenger train.

Evgeny Murtola

I had a conversation with Dave Wooten from the XL Morning Show, and he doesn't think it would be cost effective. Sometimes an Amtrak ticket can be just as much as a plane ticket. On the other hand, Montana has some beautiful scenery that you can't take in from 30,000 feet in the air. The train depot in Bozeman is an awesome building. Currently, it's covered in graffiti, but it would be really cool to see it renovated and brought back to life.

Personally, I think it would be a lot of fun to hop on a train and head to Seattle for a couple days. What do you think?

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