She Faked Her Own Death to Avoid a Guy
There are few things worse than a bad date. The awkward feelings, the thoughts of what you'd rather be doing instead, the countdown until it's over and the realization that you're the only one thinking it's a bad date. One woman went as far as faking her own death just to avoid an overly-ambitious bad date.
I have friends who will use different apps or even one of us to text her in the middle of the date just to see how it's going. We have code words for when it's awful (and we know to come up with an emergency to get her out of there) and code words for when it's great. We've all been on a bad date and it's an awful feeling.
Ann could not get her bad date to back off AFTER their date. He would tell her that he was stopping by her house and give her no room to tell him no...nor would he listen.
She had to go to extremes with this guy. I should note that the text messages were recreated with a text generator so you're able to get the idea.
source: Mirror