One Iconic Montana Event That People Forget About
This Montana event was not only iconic for the state, but the whole Northwest, and even the country. Such a shame that we will probably never see an event like this again.
As I was driving home for Christmas today, there's one place on I-90 that will always bring up memories and was host one of the weirdest and unique summer events in Montana's history. I am talking about the iconic Testicle Festival just off the Rock Creek Road exit.
If you don't know what the Testicle Festival was or about, this event was a three-day party where they served Rocky Mountain Oysters, and there was a lot of drinking, chaos, and fun. I remember vividly driving by the Rock Creek Road exit when this event was going on, and the two campgrounds on each side were packed with people just having the best time ever.
The last Testicle Festival was back in 2018 due to the deaths of two individuals and has been dormant ever since. That makes a lot of sense, and, sadly, this Montana event that was over 35 years old is now just a thing of the past. I never had the opportunity to go, but from what I have been told, the event was a wild experience you would never forget.
If you don't know what Rocky Mountain Oysters are one of the most iconic foods that were created and are a staple of old Montana culture, and only a few restaurants statewide still serve them. Stacey's Old Faithful Saloon in Gallatin Gateway is the closest one in the Gallatin Valley, and they are fantastic.
Maybe one day they will bring back the iconic Testicle Festival, but as of now, it will always be a part of Montana's history.
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