After Kaley Cuoco shared a picture of herself with her sister Briana at the InStyle Awards , fans began to comment asking if she was pregnant. The Big Bang Theory quickly shot that down in her Instagram Story on Friday (Oct. 26) clapping back at trolls for body-shaming her.

"I posted a picture this morning of my sister and I from an event last night and people said I looked pregnant," said Cuoco. "Now, would you ever walk up to someone on the street or at an event where they're obviously dressed up and say, 'Are you pregnant?'" She ended her video by assuring fans she's not pregnant and telling trolls to "shut up."

This isn't the first time Cuoco has faced shaming from Instagram trolls. This summer, Cuoco shared a video of her hitting the gym with an arm brace, following her shoulder surgery. Trolls decided to shame her for not wearing a bra while working out. She clapped back, writing a comment on her own post saying, "FYI because of my shoulder, I can only get certain bras over my head, NOT THAT IT'S ANYONES BUSINESS.”

Hopefully after Cuoco's response, haters will finally back off and think twice before commenting on her Instagram posts.

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