For years now, we've bemoaned the influx of new residents to the state and the ways it's changed Montana's economy and culture. We've watched rent prices and home prices increase to the point of pushing people out of the state or onto the streets.

Montanans complained about out-of-state plates to the point where people had to come up with creative ways to hide where they were from. It's not just people who move here, though. Tourists are starting to get the message too.

When Did Montana Get So Unfriendly?

Growing up, I never thought of Montana as being an unfriendly state. If anything, we were a little too friendly. Have you ever tried the two-finger wave outside of Montana? You get ignored at best. Or you might get a dirty look. Or at worst, you get a one-finger salute in return.

Now, Montana is getting a reputation for being unfriendly.

World Population Review ranked tourists' view of each state and Montana was ranked in the second half for friendliest, coming in at 36th. Montana is closer in ranking to New York, which was ranked dead last, than it was to Idaho, which you would think is similar to Montana just because of geography.

When you think about things like the TouronsofYellowstone Instagram Account, it's not hard to see why tourists might think Montana isn't very friendly.

But here's the kicker: Montana needs tourism dollars. Many local businesses depend on the revenue that comes in from tourists. Recent data suggests that tourists don't really understand Montana. In fact, they don't see a difference between Missoula and Bozeman. Wouldn't it be to Montanans' benefit to be a little nicer to tourists?

Take a Peek Inside the New Oil & Balsamics Store in Downtown Missoula

Tosca Fine Olive Oils & Balsamics, located on Main Street in downtown Missoula offers bold and rich flavored oils and balsamics.

Gallery Credit: Ashley

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