Dentistry from the Heart Giving Back to Bozeman
It's called Dentistry from the Heart. On Saturday, August 26 if you can't get dental care elsewhere, the Hays Dental Group will be of service. This is their way of giving back to our community.
They are offering a choice of getting a filling, maybe have a tooth pulled (that's called an extraction) or even a cleaning. This idea of Dentistry from the Heart really proves to me that Bozeman is a city of kind, caring people.
They will be doing this on Aug. 26 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m.,so I suggest you get there early. Patients will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
You must be over 18 or accompanied by a parent or guardian. Dental work and good dental health is very important, so if you can't get the help you need Dentistry from the Heart will be there for you.
For more information, contact the Hays Dental Group or call them at (406) 586-2117 and find out how you or your children can get the care you need.