Bozeman Film Society Presents ‘The Martian’
Honestly, one of my favorite films of last year was definitely The Martian starring Matt Damon. The film is based on the book by Andy Weir and the story is about astronaut Mark Watney being left behind on Mars and his struggle to survive. The cool part about the film is that most of it is based on real science on what could really happen. That's why I am excited to go see the Bozeman Film Society present The Martian in their Science to Screen film series. The film will be accompanied by Professor Dr. Mac Burgess who will talk about how realistic growing food on Mars is and parallel this to living here. This will be Wednesday, May 25 and if you want tickets go here and if you want to learn more click here. If you never saw The Martian, I put the trailer for the film below to give you taste of the movie is like. I think it's amazing so enjoy!