It sounds like a wild Marvel/DC crossover of a fanboy’s crazy fever dreams. Joss Whedon? The guy who made Avengers and Age of Ultron switching teams to the Distinguished Competition to write and direct a Batgirl movie? That can’t be real, can it?

It can be, and it is. Whedon is now officially with DC, and developing his very own Batgirl movie. On the red carpet for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, he talked with Variety about where his head is at as he works on the screenplay, and most interestingly, who he sees as his title heroine. Actually, Whedon doesn’t see anyone in the role at this point:

The exact quote:

I don’t have my eye on anybody. I feel like I’m creating this character; I’m in a dialogue with her. And then we’ll see who joins that later on ... I doubt [Batgirl] will be a name. I think this is something where you go and find Batgirl and then you cast her.

“I’m not against movie stars, they’re great,” Whedon added “But you need somebody who’s just right.” He certainly knows what he’s talking about, although generally with his Marvel work Whedon tended to collaborate with big stars and buzzy actors coming off attention-grabbing projects.

I’ve no doubt that Batgirl hardcores have spent years fan-casting their ideal Barbara Gordon, but I imagine they’ll also respect this approach too, which puts the character ahead of everything else. Which, in my mind, is exactly as it should be.

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