Kevin Fitzpatrick

‘Glee’ Season 4: Meet Sarah Jessica Parker’s Character
With ‘Glee‘ season 4 fast picking up its pace for a September 13 debut, most of the new footage and promotional images we’ve seen came from Kate Hudson’s sexy NYADA dance instructor Cassandra July, but what of Sarah Jessica Parker? To date only precious few details have been released about the former ‘Sex and the City’ star’s turn with the singing graduates, so what role will she take in the comi

‘The Price is Right’ to Add Male Display Models
Haven’t you ever been groggily watching ‘The Price is Right’ one morning, only to find yourself thinking, “boy, that reasonably priced set of crystal stemware would seem more obtainable if it were presented by a handsome chap, rather than this distractingly attractive gal?” Word for word, you say? Well, good news everyone! ‘The Price is Right’ is about to become equal opportunity, and you could

Edward Norton Will Take the Cloth for ‘The Simpons’ Season 24
Boy, that Edward Norton sure likes playing priests. From playing a minister in 2000′s ‘Keeping the Faith’ to one of his more famous roles as an altar boy in ‘Primal Fear,’ the ‘Avengers‘ dropout and ‘Bourne Legacy‘ star will once again be taking holy orders, portraying a priest for ‘The Simpsons” upcoming 24th season. But when Edward Norton hits the scene, what will become of Reverend Lovejoy?

HBO Apologizes for ‘Game of Thrones’ George W. Bush Head
Though the ‘Game of Thrones‘ season 1 Blu-Ray and DVD has been out for several months now, controversy is just now making the rounds about production and commentary for the show’s first season finale “Fire and Blood.” We’d seen the freak Easter Egg about former President George W. Bush being included among the severed head props used on the show, but what does HBO have to say about it?

‘Punk’d’ Brings Back Ashton Kutcher as Host, No Fooling
What year is this? If Ashton Kutcher returns to hosting duties for MTV’s hit prank show ‘Punk’d,’ does that mean ‘The Matrix’ sequels have come out? Did President Gore implement his global warming solutions? Are we still waiting for Guns ‘N’ Roses to release their masterpiece “Chinese Democracy?” Well, if MTV ever takes a break from showing wall-to-wall music videos, we’ve got good news for As